Software and applications
All our software can be downloaded for free and without subscription Technologies are at the very heart of our offer....
Industry information and advice
Prepare for an inspection of health rating of food standards The hygiene assessment system of the Food Standards Agency has...
FAQ on thermometry
FAQ on food temperature Why do I get different results when I test my food in different places? - Because...
Thermadata Studio software
Thermadata studio: your companion for the management of WiFi thermometers Era digital has brought a revolution in the way we...
Thermometry base
Learn more about the basics of thermometry Thermometers are designed to measure different types of physical characteristics, But the five most...
Conservation and food service temperatures
Complete food security and food service temperatures for businesses Food storage temperatures are essential to monitor daily by catering establishments...
Emissivity table
All the materials emit, absorb and reflect the radiant energy. The emissivity defines to what extent the surfaces of different...
The food preparation industry
The food processing industry is a central pillar of the culinary and economic world. It plays a crucial role in...